Waste Management
Spectra provides its customers with a full range of chemical and hazardous waste management services. Our primary focus is on recovery with disposal as the last option.Spectra can reduce your cost, improve your service quality and assist you in being compliant.
Spectra maintains arrangements with the nation's finest Treatment,Storage and Disposal Facilities to handle any disposal need. Spectra does the due diligence for you at no cost to your company. Spectra's staff works with these TSDFs and regulators on a daily basis. This daily exposure helps us to know the safest, most efficient and best options available for your waste disposal. Our independent experts work for you making sure your needs are properly met at every step of the process.
When using Spectra you are not at the mercy of the TSDF, you have a free consultant and additional insurance. This results in both a time and cost savings to your company, plus peace of mind for you.
Spectra can handle all your disposal needs including but not limited to:
Universal Waste Recovery
Non hazardous Industrial Waste Waters & Coolants
Oil, Fuel and Antifreeze Recovery
Solvent & Acid Recovery
Special & Solid Waste Disposal
On Site Assistance:
Spectra's trained and certified staff will come to your site and provide all materials and labor necessary to meet regulatory compliance in preparing your waste for shipping. These services may include decontamination, confined space entry, security, identification, inventorying, packaging, labeling, testing, profiling and others services needed to prepare waste for shipping.
Spectra's transporting service will meet all your shipping needs including labeling, manifesting, lab packing, overpacking and bulking.